
About Suede

Suede is a Java framework for developing client-server systems via distributed architecture. It implements a Commander-Controller-Worker relationship model which allows a server application to delegate tasks on multiple clients over a network.

Suede includes a high-level API for building a Commander-Controller-Worker model over message oriented middleware.

A server application interfaces with Suede through a Commander. A Commander would serve as a gateway for the server application to send information, commands, and other relevant data to several client connections.

A client application is attached to a Controller which would receive data coming from a Commander. Commands and tasks are delegated by the Controller to at least one of its managed Workers.

Workers run on independent threads which are handled by the owning Controller.

Currently, Suede only supports Java Message Service (JMS) but other messaging systems will be supported in future releases.


  • High-level programming API for client and server components
  • Management of client-server connections
  • Extensible components via configuration
  • Support for message oriented middleware*

* Currently, only JMS is supported